Minggu, 06 Januari 2013

Son of a Fact


Humans are unable to taste pure water, but it does have a taste.

When we listen to our recorded voices, they always seem different and the reason for this is that the skull conducts lower frequencies.
There exists 30 people who can fluently speak Klingon, the alien language used in the Star Trek series.
If the entire world consumes as much as an average American, the population would need resources from 3-5 earths combined to survive.
Male llamas develop a set of "fighting teeth" at the age of 2 that grow specifically to bite off the testicles of other males.
"Mondegreen" is a term used to describe when you misheard lyrics of a song.
You're as much as eight times more likely to be happier if you cuddle regularly with your partner.
Upon finding out about an affair his 96 year old wife had in 1940, a 99 year old man divorced his wife, ending a 77 year long marriage.
A girl from Tennessee annoyed her friend by poking her on Facebook to an extent that she was arrested by the local cops.
Human semen contains Selenium, a powerful cancer fighting agent and direct exposure to semen reduces the risk of breast cancer by 50%.
'Mental pain' is actually increased by pretending as if you are okay when you are not!
The continent with the lowest birth rate is Antarctica with only 11 children being born there so far.
When a fatal heart attack killed the Elvis Presley, he was sitting on a toilet and reading ?The Scientific Search for Jesus?.
There is a prediction of an apocalypse 5 billion years from now because Sun will run out of fuel.
The oldest known recipe ever discovered in the world was for beer, found on a four-thousand-year old Mesopotamian clay tablet!
The reason why old cats meow or howl more in particular is because they suffer from the cat's version of Alzheimer.
"Mah-Na-Mah-Na" Muppet song isn't actually gibberish, it is a french word "mais non mais non" means "of course not, of course not."
Usain bolt ate chicken nuggets before becoming the world's fastest man in 2008 -- Broke world record in 100m Run in Beijing Olympics.
No scientist has ever concluded that why a shower curtain blows on to you during shower.
The design of human brain has not been updated for the last 30,000 years.
40% of the children who take up drinking as a habit before the age of 15 become alcoholics.
Throughout the history of Disney, Bugs Bunny and Mickey Mouse have only appeared once together in the movie ?Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
Between 2006 to 2012, A British music awards show the NME Awards named George Bush as the "Villain of the Year" for 6 consecutive years!
The energy provided by a single chocolate chip is enough to enable an average adult to walk 150 feet.
A Swedish woman, Eija-Riitta, 54 years old, claims to be married and having a sexual relation with the Berlin Wall for almost 29 years.
Only about 34% of people believe that being straight or gay is a choice, while the rest believe that you are born with it!
Scientist Niels Bohr had a pipeline running straight from the Carlsberg brewing company to his house to have a never-ending supply of beer
Martha Stewart once dated Anthony Hopkins, but ended it because she was failed to get him out of her mind as Hannibal.
Sometimes you might think you're hearing a piece of music in your head even though it's not being played. This is known as the "earworm".
Shakespeare was the first person in history to use the letter ?U? as a substitute for the word ?you?.
DogTV a new 24-hour channel is launched in San Diego that's only for dogs to keep them company when their owners are away.
There is a Tom and Jerry episode in which both the characters commit suicide on a rail track after failing in love.
A new research suggests that video games can actually help in improving your eye sight and not worsen it as previously thought.
A 590 ml bottle of Mountain Dew contains 19.5 tablespoons of sugar and 40% more caffeine than Coke.
Brain surgery is performed on people while they are wide awake as the human brain has no pain receptors resulting in them feeling no pain.
Former Senator John Kerry, former US President George W. Bush and Playboy founder Hugh Hefner are actual cousins!
Drinking 4 bottles (1 liter) of cola daily reduce sperm count in men upto 30%.
Son of a Fact
In Kentucky, there exists more barrels of Bourbon whiskey (4.8 million) than people (4.2 million).
In 2007, in Rhode Island, a cat named Oscar had the ability to correctly predict the death of patients -- She accurately predicted 50 deaths
Kim Jong II, the North Korean leader used to buy $800,000 worth of liquor every year.
Son of a Fact
Music has been known to build an emotional bond between people, so singing in a group actually brings you closer together.
In China, a man divorced and sued his wife for $120,000 for being ugly and won the case.
In 2005, Will Smith made a Guinness World Record for attending 3 movie premieres in 24 hours.
Usain Bolt broke the world record in 100m final at the 2008 Beijing Olympics with an untied shoe.
According to a psychologist, spending money gives happiness and a person feels happiest after spending it on others and rather on themselves
The Mayans never specifically predicted that "The world is ending on December 21st, 2012."

Lying is a tough task for the brain. So when a person thinks too long over a question, chances are he's lying.
The civil war insurgents in Nigeria, in 1967 took a 48 hours break just to a watch Pele play in a football match.
According to law if an HIV patient knowingly has sex with someone without telling them of his/her disease, could be charged with murder.
A highly motivating factor behind the high suicide rate in Japan is that the families get insurance money even if you commit suicide.
In 1983 Marvel Comics published a comic ?your friendly neighborhood Spider-Ham' about a 'Spider-Pig' named Peter Porker.
According to the constitution of the Ancient Sparta, homosexual mating was compulsory for the soldiers, to increase their efficiency.
Seth MacFarlane and Mark Wahlberg, were booked on the flight that hit the WTC on 9/11, Sett missed it and Mark changed his mind last minute.
From a list compiled of the world's safest cities, none of the first 50 are located in the U.S.
Compared to all the other fingernails of your hands, the one on your Middle Finger grows the fastest.
Women who consume atleast four cups of coffee daily are less likely to be upset or depressed.
White chocolate isn't really chocolate as it doesn't include the two most vital ingredients found in chocolate:cocoa solids and cocoa liquor
If you suffer from constant depression, playing video games helps release stress much better than counseling does.